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Why are Fulfilled Rastafari Forming? How are InI Different than Other Rastafari?

Why are Fulfilled Rastafari Forming?

InI are forming because of our Love for H.I.M. and out of the desire to Emulate H.I.M. as he emulated Christ. In addition, our deep Love for InI people motivates us. We seek to truly transcend that of the current misinformation and the erroneous World View of InI, Rastafari people. We want to contribute, and be a part of the Vision of our family, Rastafari Bredrin and Sistren everywhere. This love of His Majesty and Our God is what moves Fulfilled Rastafari forward into action and works.

As Fulfilled Rastafari organized, InI became very aware of the need to solidify this unity, if we were to achieve the goals and overcome the obstacles. InI knew that if we put away differences, and collectively sought Harambe we would be in line with what the Emperor taught when he said “It is not the strength or the power or determination of those who oppose us that will delay success in this battle, but only the weakness of our unity”

Now that some time has passed, the need to Organize has become greater, since there are more Idren professing their Faith and Hope in Christ, yet still firmly Rooted in Africa and the Culture of Rastafari. Fulfilled Rastafari has expanded and now reaches many states here and countries abroad. It is the hope of Members everywhere that these Chapters and their affiliates will rally and commit themselves to benefit the people, by actively participating in meetings, gatherings and the works of the House.

How is Fulfilled Rastafari Different?

InI have been heavily criticized for InI expression of InI views. Some criticism (a next kind of ISM) has had to do with how INI view Selassie I in these times. The Blessed Idren of the Twelve Tribes of Israel have officially stated that the members do view Yahshua (Jesus Christ) as a separate being from Haile Selassie I, and it has been said that Haile Selassie I is Christ in His Kingly character (stated in Interview, by the Honorable Prophet Gad on the Andrea Williams Running Africa Show on Irie FM). This is one of the ways that Fulfilled Rastafari is different. InI do not view the Tribe declarations as necessary in these times and we see that while His Majesty was a Blessed Christian, and the Defender of the Ethiopian Christian Faith, we do not see him as Jah or Christ. We do not share that view with any Rastafari group that does. We are tolerant of all religions and faiths, but we do not compromise ours. We worship only Yahshua and Father Jah.

It is not INI intention to question the faith of others, but
INI must express INI OWN VIEWS and livity while uplifting Rastafari and its Kulcha. Rastafari is a movement and an upliftmant of Jah people. It is a black movement and a multicultural upliftmant, a fighting down of black a white downpression. It is clear that Haile Selassie I is the defender of INI Faith. He is the one who has led INI to this Faith. INI are therefore obedient to all of His Majesty's teachmants and INI keep the views and Faith that His Majesty had.

His majesty told INI a soul without 'Christ is like a ship without a rudder'. He prayed to Yahshua and exalted Him. He encouraged INI to keep to the 'Christian Life, the holy life', an INI intend to live INI life in this way, to the best of INI ability. Ones have asked I, are you then an offshoot of 12 Tribes and I have replied that INI are not. I was also asked if INI are Orthodox Christians, or traditional Christians, and I replied that INI are not. Christianity implies RELIGION. INI are NOT dealing with Religion at all. INI deal with Relationship of INI with Christ and Father Jehovah, through the Holy Spirit.

Not only do INI view King Selassie as the Defender of INI Faith, INI view Yahshua completely independent of King Selassie as it is INI opinion, view and Faith that His Majesty occupied the role of defender and mortal King as he told INI while on the Royal Ithiopian Train to Canada. INI view Yahshua as Deity. He is the Messiah, and Immanuel which means 'God with Us'.

He came to earth, from heaven, to show INI His ways through the Gospels. From the Earth, He went willingly to the Cross for INI debt, which He paid. But as is ILabrated at Timkit in Ithiopia, He arose again from the dead. He has ascended into Heaven and will come again.

INI will know when He has come, when all tears are wiped
from INI eyes (Book of Revelation). He will defeat Satan. Armageddon will collapse this world but when Christ is come He will truly Free INI an INI will finally rule this world, this paradise He intended to provide for INI before Adam an Eve first committed sin.

Until that day, as His Majesty said, until that day, the African Continent, will not know Peace. INI know that if Africa still does not know peace, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah has YET to come. His Majesty teachmants show that he awaited that King, that Lord and that Messiah.
In this way INI Rastafari of all houses are 'Original Christians' as is His Majesty.

It was he who told INI to live the Christian Life, a Holy
Life, and the Original Christians are Rastafari, and although I cast no judgment upon any Christian,

Rastafari or even ones of any Faith, I know that INI who follow His Majesty teachmants about Christ will never go wrong.

His majesty asked INI not to question the Faith of Others and he told INI to spread the good news of the Gospels of Yahshua. So INI endeavor to bring forth the Truth, in Love. I wish you Peace, Overstanding and above all More Love.

~Sis Kaya IsesaJah

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