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Simply Ministry Business and Marketing Boot Camp!

What stops you from aggressively pursuing your passion and dream for a Christian music ministry? If you're like most folks, it's the age old problem of money and exposure. Many artists are weak in areas like business, finance and marketing. The intricate and delicate balance needed between the humility of ministry and hard-line of business is difficult to define - and even harder to maintain. Consequently, critically important stuff is simply ignored or avoided. The result is a continual problem with a lack of money and a lack of bookings.

"Simply Ministry is absolutely THE most important date to book for your ministry this year."
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But what are the real secrets to opening doors of opportunity and financial support for the early stage music ministry? Although the music industry has experienced a much needed shake up, most of the indie artist movement is simply attempting to work the exact same industry system on an independent basis. It's still the same business model. It didn't work for the majority of emerging artists when it was run by major corporations. It still won't work when an indie artist is in control (especially without the substantial monetary resources of a major corporation).

The early stage Christian music ministry seems to be immersed in an ocean of countless (and often pointless) Christian music seminars, summits, conferences, and talent contests. Most with all the same rehashed music industry material that simply doesn't work for all but that tiny percentage at the top.What about the rest of us? What about those who simply have a heart to reach people. Who are tired of all the hype and commercialization of music. Who simply want to follow the dream that God has given them and develop a part-time or full-time career with that ministry? The answer to those questions is Simply Ministry.

Simply Ministry is a concentrated Business and Marketing Boot Camp for Christian musicians and communicators. It is presented by Incubator Creative Group, a 20-year veteran music ministry incubator organization. Attendance at Simply Ministry is restricted to a small and elite group that is sincerely committed to the concept of music as ministry. To those who are also committed to treating their ministry vision as a serious and worthy enterprise. Attendance is by invitation only after acceptance of a preliminary application. Although Simply Ministry is a business and marketing bootcamp it has a decidedly "non music industry" focus. If you want to serve God with your musical talents and you don't want the tired old model of the music industry what you want is Simply Ministry.

Given the exclusive and niche focus of Simply Ministry, it will be the launching event for more sustainable music ministries than any other experience in the Christian music industry. Will yours be one of them?

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Comment by Mark Adams on July 14, 2009 at 9:10am
Thanks for sharing...

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